21 de junio de 2015

"Ordination in the New Testament", by Ekkehardt Mueller

Ordination in the New Testament

Ekkehardt Mueller
Biblical Research Institute


To discuss the topic ordination in the New Testament (NT) is an interesting and yet somewhat tricky task. This is so for various reasons that will be discussed in a moment. "Ordination" is derived from the Latin ordinatio which points to an arrangement, order or the appointment to a function. But how this term is filled with meaning differs from one denomination to another. Adventist church members have also certain concepts in mind when they talk about ordination. Typically, they think about a worship service in which hands are being laid on deacons, elders or pastors in connection with prayer for them. If something else happens and what happens in conjunction with this rite, may be debated. So why is the topic tricky?

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